Monday, September 29, 2014

writeup - ach

Aluminum Corporation Of China Limited
wow, great web site
above is the finviz page 

sales: 30B (169B yuan), steady growth over 5 years ... yes it is a big company
income: lost 8B yuan in 2012, made 1B in 2013 ... and so it goes ... my guess: they are operating under capacity and brisker demand will multiply earnings
price/book ratio: .84, in the range (under 1) that Graham says characterizes reliable opportunities

a fast move, if it materializes, or when, should carry to 20
i plan to buy 10 shares
the reader is entirely responsible for any decisions the reader makes
i am not a certified, registered, or otherwise vetted financial adviser
your risk is always 100% plus disappointment, embarrassment, anxiety, etc.
keep your investments small and you keep your risk small
100% of a small amount is a small amount, is the reasoning
seek opportunities to double your money or more, and small investments can be worthwhile

ethic - stay at home

i believe
people should
acquire a home and then stay there pretty much forever

this implies
in a sense
that the home should be continually improving
and that
in the end
it should really be quite a place

what would that kind of continual improvement look like?


AIG 20x from 54.52 as of 9-28-2014- double up
ABX 2x from 15.24 as of 9-28-2014
ACFC 2x to 5x in a month (next month?), point, 4.07 as of 9-28-2014

all three orders were filled immediately
I have now invested $400 of the $1,400.

bought 4 shares at 54.52 limit for $1000 target
but it may slow down around $400

7 ABX 2x from 15.24 as of 9-28-2014

20 ACFC 2x to 5x in a month (next month?), point, 4.07 as of 9-28-2014

10-12-2014 instruction buy 70,000 @ .0015




here's the situation: because of fees associated with failed trades (you get penalized for failing, in the stock market), i suddenly have a negative cash balance in my Scottrade account. i need to sell something immediately. well, by happenstance, i've been thinking every single day about whether to sell FLWS. one thing leads to another.


Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage Inc., 500M,4,60,12/3/6/9-30,6
financials     news

Advanced Voice Recognition Inc., 200, 10e11, .0375

Eco Building Products Inc, 250,000, 1e14, .0019

Alliance Creative Group Inc, t=.04

Arotech Corp, 300, 12m13, 2.90

Abby Inc
10-25-14, my shares got taken away. this definitely happens with stocks like this: suddenly, you have no shares - and you have to pay a fee! but I'd buy a little today at 1, if I had cash. it's trading about 1000 shares a day, so I could probably get 100. it might go 50 cents, and then I would buy 200, or try to. the selling target is $3. this is based on the chart alone. i don't know anything about the company, and I doubt the financials are impressive or reassuring. still, my dream, in a way, is to buy a lot of small stakes in stocks like this (and sell them nimbly).

based on the chart alone, after 3, the next target is something like 7. sell at 3, buy it back near 1, hold for 7, is the plan (not that I'm necessarily doing it). the ultimate dream is 100, and I predict it will eventually be achieved - just based on the chart, and the feeling I seem to remember having had, which was positive, about abby.

Bank Mutual Corp

this system - tracking investments and watch lists in a blog - actually makes it possible to closely monitor a lot of stocks, a lot of investments, a lot of investment prospects. i'm playing a game with chart patterns. in order to learn the game, you need to watch a lot of stocks, really.

Orrstown Financial Services Inc

10-25-2014 orrf is about to go up

DC Brands International Inc

20141027m: Today, it looks positioned to go to .01. My earlier investment is a bust, but today's pattern ... i'm thinking about buying some, at .0002. Volume ... there's lots. Well, sort of. It's trading something like 1 million shares a day, so I could probably buy 100,000, for $20. If it goes to a penny, 1 cent, .01, that's a ... well, 100,000 shares will be worth $1000. OK, now, from a fundamentals point of view, buying HRDN is insane. But I like the chart. Someday I'll have a collection of these charts, and I'll be able to see if there was actually a reason to like them.

Wet Seal Inc

Castle Brands Inc to 3