Tuesday, April 14, 2015

get tc2000 info

I am wholly committed to trading the cheapest stocks on the market, thus pinks, otc, greys. When I did my tc2000 trial, I liked the way there was a list of several thousand stocks that I could click through with a simple next button, but the list did not include pinks/otc/greys. I did find settings that were supposed to add the latter, but I couldn't really figure them out.

Then there was the scanner, and I never figured that out at all. (I never took a class. I'm not so good with classes.)

How would I scan for stocks that are at their one year low and x% below the one year high? By at the one year low I mean the low of the previous day (like, if I'm running the scan on a Tuesday morning it would be Monday's low) is the one year low.

Another scan I might want to run is stocks with previous day's low at or below a certain price and the 1 year low prior to previous day above that price. I never figured out the first thing about setting up custom scans. Is that scan possible?