your mind has, in it, a bubbling fountain of thoughts. mostly, you quickly forget them, even instantly, but if you want a thought, you can go to that fountain, and it will give you thought after thought for you to choose from.
this can be baffling. the fountain actually takes requests, but there's a technique for communicating with it effectively, and that can take some figuring out.
if you assume a certain kind of stance - mentally, but there's a physical analogy - stand at ease with your arms at your sides, palms facing forward, a stance of openness, relaxed in the knowledge that now something will happen - the fountain will project stuff onto a kind of screen that is also a part of your mind. what will appear is "a reality", which, at least for a brief moment, you actually inhabit. you are there.
it might be simply a report: this is your reality. garden. another lazy day. a nugget of desire, or maybe two. i want to make something and sell it today. i want to change the whole world in certain ways. i want careful, considerate help with the garden. hmm. i want to be a hands on manager of the affairs of the world. i want to live on and operate a farm. i want to buy 1000 houses. i want to travel, but not so much physically as in virtual reality ...
there's a part of the mind that thinks. it forms strings of words, then tests them for, oh, quality, making adjustments, trying to produce something really good or useful. when i allow the fountain to project a world on the screen of my mind, then that world becomes a medium my thinking mind can use to perform its work. the nuggets of ideas are in the projected world. it's not so much that you can see them there, and more that you can sense their presence. you can approach one, and it will give you some words to consider, like those just recorded. your thinking mind kind of thinks our: what does this mean? what do i do with it?
intruding thoughts. i guess the fountain of thoughts produces a kind of music, and sometimes you become aware of it ... and what you hear can be dissonant, even harsh: people are going to think i'm an idiot. they're going to call me that and give me a hard time.
rich idiot
how do i process that? should i just ignore it? not rich, by the way, but something of a happy fool. also, not opposed to wealth. ha ha. gotta laugh. piles of jewels, ha ha! (they're mined by slaves in the jungle, ha ha. but you, too, you communists, are overstating. you don't actually know anything. float down ...
your mind can do this
float down, from high above, over the mines, these are in South America ... a network of paths and diggings in the rugged hills, and people working, and going to and fro. the worker's villages over here, and there are little caravans heading out towards the cities with bags of emeralds and diamonds ... all quite silly ... but if you did create a pile of jewels, you would be creating a kind of computer, one that would actually make things happen itself. pure fantasy? well, you could test the idea ...
origami balloon
virtual gems and jewels should work just fine. make two dozen origami balloons and put them in a cardboard box (a wine box from Trader Joe's) in your garden, or in your living room. try making a really big box of balloons, buying the biggest cardboard box at Staples. make them out of newspaper. you might be able to sell them, or, when the time is right, burn them or just recycle them. these actions will release their power.
pile your gems and jewels around you on the carpet and sit amongst them, and they'll project your thoughts into reality. you might even experience something, a vision. don't worry about trying to understand all of this, just play with it. play with your gems, have your vision, put your gems away like a good kid, do it some more another day. you can even do all of this in your mind, though you do live in a material universe, and props can help, and are there for you. mentally count out ten large rubies, in a line. then mentally put them back in their chest. keep a little chest off marbles handy, and do this ten times with them. who knows what will happen, and, if it's nothing, that's a wonderful thing. keep a diary ... laid out a row of ten marbles ten times ... that's it, nothing else to report just now ...
the approval i long for ... selling something ... then selling a million of something ... result: a million dollars in my account ... and then what? maybe my wife will know what to do.
a flying jewel ... came and went
really having to think, here. what are all the kids doing over at the University? thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking. equip every house with a fantastically complete parts bin ... a little cup for every conceivable kind of part, hundreds and hundreds of them, all in drawers.
a giant warehouse full of ... art ... clutter, even. what would it cost to rent a giant warehouse? one hundred thousand dollars a year?
a huge pile of garbage in the middle, and people working, sorting through it, organizing it onto the stories of shelves along the walls ... comprehensively documenting everything.
maybe better to think about virtualization. that really is the answer. how can i digitally model this stinking house, with all its incredibly complicated parts? now that is really a good question.
there, now you've figured out what you want to do, and it's time to get the money.
two options that i like: trading stocks, and selling virtual products.
the first, i sort of know how to do ... but, what it comes right down to is, it can be slow. selling virtual products could be a lot faster, but i don't actually know how to do it.
can i make a million dollars in a month in the stock market? i mean, it's not going to hurt to play around with the question. so, if i can double my money in a week, which isn't completely inconceivable, i would need to double $500,000 to make $1,000,000 ... in a manner of speaking. can i double $500,000 in a week? but, regardless, i would have to double $250,000 to make $500,000, and i would have to double $125,000 to make $250,000, and i would have to double $75,000 to make $125,000, and $37,500 to make $75,000, and $18,750 to make $37,500, and $9,375 to make $18,750, and $4687.50 to make $9,375, and $2343.75, and $1171.85 ... and $553.5.9 ... which is maybe where i could start.
11 times, i have to double my money. quite a challenge.
even to begin, i suggest you undertake a comprehensive study
there most certainly have, and this is actually true, been any number of moments when you could have bought a particular stock and then sold it again a week later for ten times what you paid for it. Maybe you could have bought $100 worth, or even $1000 worth ... or even more. You can verify this. Hmm. It's a process, though.
maybe you could go to, find the screener, find the 200 day moving average option under the technical tab, and set it to price 100% above. ha! ten stocks. you can easily look at that many. on the list, click the symbol, and you'll get a chart.
well, there you have it. many thanks to finviz for allowing me to publish this chart. a stock that jumped 10, count 'em, times in 1, count 'em, day.
well, what was this stock doing before it did that? based on this example, what would we look for in a chart that might tell us, "this stock is getting ready to go up ten times in a day" is the question. amco was trading at very low prices - 25 cents a share, twenty cents a share, and finally ten cents a share - and going down and down and down - with lots of volume, and making an active pattern every day. it even really got sideways at ten cents, and 3 months later it was up over 20 times from there. but after really getting sideways at 10 cents, it jumped up, and then got sideways again at 15 cents, and then it jumped up again, and got sideways again at 20 cents.
so, sideways, really sideways, then jumping up, then sideways, then jumping up again, then sideways.
now, how would we look for such a chart?
a list of 191 stocks on finviz trading under $1. that's a ten page list. what are the chances i can look at every one of those stocks? well, if you point at one of the symbols on that list - we're in the finviz screener again - finviz shows you a three month chart. is there anything in that very brief time span that reminds you of our amco chart ... before the big move ...?
uh oh. there's a discrepancy. the finviz chart is actually wrong. that jump from ten cents to 2.50 was actually a jump from $1 to $2.50, not the same thing at all ... though, still something. it's also getting ready to make another move. it's actually trading nicely down, right now. the recent lows ... you can see the on this chart, in January ... are buying prices. the target price ... it's not that high ... let's say $4. we can look at the fundamentals, too. this has some strengths, but it has some weaknesses, too. maybe it's not ready to make a sustained move. maybe its future is even still in doubt. that move to $4 is probably a time to sell. if the company eventually does gain traction - and we can follow it, and watch for that - then the next move is to $40, and long term the price will go to $100.
it could be said, from the above, that one thing to look for in a stock we might want to buy is that it previously went up sharply ... and now is down again.
you are going to need to organize your observations