Saturday, December 20, 2014


I (print name)
hereby affirm that I am not engaged in the development or invention of controls for web pages and have no plans to be so engaged for the duration of this agreement, and that I am therefor at liberty to agree, and do so agree, not to describe to any party, before January 1, 2020, without separate written permission from Mr. Tom Sunderland of 515 West Eleventh Street, Tempe, Arizona, controls which he may describe in a document to be delivered to me describing controls for web pages which he has invented, and is developing, and not to employ, before said date, in web pages or other media constructed by me or by other parties on my behalf, similar controls, with the understanding that I may employ, in web pages or other media, any and all controls which are part of existing web design languages, libraries, or publishing tools, irregardless of whether said controls came into existence during the terms of this agreement, so long as they did not come into existence as a result of my descriptions of descriptions of the controls supplied to me by Mr. Sunderland, which said descriptions I agree not to describe or divulge, so that I may attest, as a witness, by signing a document containing a description of said controls, which Mr. Sunderland will deliver to me, to the existence of said description of controls on a certain date.