wow, great web site
above is the finviz page
sales: 30B (169B yuan), steady growth over 5 years ... yes it is a big company
income: lost 8B yuan in 2012, made 1B in 2013 ... and so it goes ... my guess: they are operating under capacity and brisker demand will multiply earnings
price/book ratio: .84, in the range (under 1) that Graham says characterizes reliable opportunities
a fast move, if it materializes, or when, should carry to 20
i plan to buy 10 shares
the reader is entirely responsible for any decisions the reader makes
i am not a certified, registered, or otherwise vetted financial adviser
your risk is always 100% plus disappointment, embarrassment, anxiety, etc.
keep your investments small and you keep your risk small
100% of a small amount is a small amount, is the reasoning
seek opportunities to double your money or more, and small investments can be worthwhile