seems like it just split, but then I'm not sure what's going on. I have to say it looks like it's about to make a big move ... I'm gonna say to $2.
I had some cash, and I liked the short term pattern, so I put $80 into this one, on 7/24/2015, at 10.49 cents a share ($0.1049). My order took about two seconds to fill - and it was a limit order. It promptly dropped to 7 cents, which didn't really surprise me - more like "story of my life" - but did freak me out pretty good. I keep buying right after big waves, and then they run out, and maybe, after a bit, fail. Did I do it again? On something like a one year chart, it is the foot of a big wave, although it is also actually running out a bit, too, already. That's what actually prompted me to buy it. Now, I was thinking, OK, I'll sell it for a double, and now I'm worrying whether it will even do that, but going over everything in my mind, for one thing, I believe in this shit, pot stocks. I think they're worthy. And I think they've got a supportive crowd fervently behind them, too. That's my crowd. Do I believe in my crowd? Well, yeah. By the way, too, there's this HUGE surge in volume, the last few months. What does it mean? Is it people scrambling to get out? Is it someone taking a big position, who doesn't care about the short term? Or maybe it's the crowd, sweet hearts, deciding to get on board, and in a big way. I'm looking at the charts and I get the thought "is there any news?" And sure enough, there is. They've got a new CEO - you can think what you want, I don't know anything about it - and they just bought a piece of land.
Looking at the charts again, on the one chart it looks like it could go to 10 ($10) or something. I just looked at it again. It's a screwy chart, logarithmic. Now I can see it could be saying something else. And on the other chart it looks like it's going to $40, something like that. Now, with my perspective adjusted, I see it going to $100. But it might not, and it might do big ups and downs on its way up there, even if it does. In fact, it probably will make several tops, if it goes to $100. It's possible I'll be able to see them forming ... but only if I watch it like a hawk, watch it intraday, at just the right moments. I guess I won't say any more. We can just watch it, see what happens. A) I believe in this company. I want to support it. B) I think a bunch of other people do, too. C) My investment is quite small. If I loose it, it's no big deal. I suspect some kind of a rally is coming. Maybe I can make some money.
Also, there was another news item - this is not on some crazy bulletin board, it's right there on the Scottrade platform, and the reporting is by ... Dow Jones ... and it lists several pot stocks worth, you could say they are saying, a look. That's the basis for this post.
The long term chart is not especially interesting. Well, it is, but not at this price, especially. It's interesting because it's sort of a big company type chart ... and because there's the promise, in it, of a good low price some time, fairly soon, probably after a few ups and downs. If we can buy this for 1 cent, one day, later this year, next year some time ... over course of the last ten years, it has traded quite a few shares at 50 cents, and not a small number at prices somewhat higher than that. If we put in $100 at a penny a share, we could make $5,000, or even $6,500, and, if not, $3000 seems likely. Those numbers aren't that exciting, and patience would definitely be part of the equation. It's not the most exciting of these stocks. It's sort of more conservative. I wonder what they do, exactly. I'm hesitant to look. I kind of want to just stay in my fantasy. On the other hand, if I were, like, Mr. Investor, touring the pot plant, that would be fun. At any rate, if you just put in $100, what's the big whup? This is about controlling risk by investing in the most speculative stocks anywhere. Now you've got the possibility - not by any means the certainty, but the possibility - of real gains from small investments. We're trying to back that up with what's called intelligence, which means information. Don't know how we'll do, though.
the long term chart suggests this is building momentum. The next top ought to be around .4.
the long term chart suggests this is only for trading